A Space for Thoughts

Monday, February 06, 2006

Broadcast News & Blogging

Jeff Jarvis’ commentary about the state of the media brings an interesting point across in his "Behind the Cameras" blog http://www.buzzmachine.com/. Jarvis reflects on the state of the media after the CBS Evening News interviewed him for a story on that precise topic. I do agree on the fact that news may not always be finished when we print it, sometimes it is an ongoing story, but just like articles online can update new information, a newscast can also do a follow up story. As for his comments about broll being shallow, it is necessary to show relevant pictures with a story in broadcast! Otherwise, it would be really boring to watch a five minute interview of two people talking (for all stories that is). People want to see relevant footage, they want to see some activity going on.
Furthermore, I do agree with Jarvis that broadcast news could be "value-added to the web" and that you can't simply compile all the information needed in a two minute report all of the time, but my main problem with this, which I think Mr. Jarvis is forgetting, is that NOT ALL people have a computer or access to the internet at all times! People who do, are able to surf blogs all day, but what about the other portion of America and furthermore the world who don't have a computer?? Are they just out of luck because they can't afford these amenities? I think the internet is a fabulous tool, but I do also think that broadcast still serves a very valuable purpose.

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