A Space for Thoughts

Monday, March 06, 2006


Yet another feature to the media is starting to attract audiences... and its getting more tech savy. After reading the Steve Outing commentary about the new medium, several things came to mind: I do think that podcasting and vodcasting are a unique feature that enhances print journalism and I think that it will bring positive reactions from audiences. I do question however whether this is pretty much radio broadcasting? Why not just listen to the news on the radio? As for vodcasting, it also reminded me of creating a story via broadcasting format, so you also have regular braodcast news to watch, on a larger screen. I do like the idea however, and I think that it will probably help the print media as well, but I aIso think perhaps like Outing mentioned, that podcating and vodcasting might be more popular among younger audiences who are used to navigating the web and trying out new technologies. One thing is for sure however, in this day in age with so many ways to get access news, people ought to be able to get informed one way or another.


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